Chicken, Turkey and Salmon - Puppy
All natiral grain free dog food, made in North Wales with premium ingredients and supplements for added health benefit.
Our puppy food has a smaller kibble for easier chewing, a higher proportion of fats and protein, and also our widest range of all natural supplementary ingredients to support healthy growth and at all stages upto 24mths.
Our food is designed to be a complete dog food, with an all natural complete range of essential proteins, fats and vitamins.
However we always suggest feeding your dog a mixed and varied diet of fresh food and using kibble as the base ingredient.
If you would like to talk to us about how this could work for you, let us know and we would be happy to help!
The three core ingredients in our kibble make up 80%, with the rest being made up of complimentary foods like asparagus, beetroot, chicory, green lipped mussels for joint care.
Our food is free of Soya, Dairy, Grains and other Legumes often used to bulk up cheaper food.